Preaching Christ and Him crucified...
nothing more, nothing less, nothing else!
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John 6:44
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
No man can come to Christ except God the Father draw him. The reason a man can’t come is because he is dead in trespasses and sin. Did you know that the Greek word for “draw” means to “drag?” I understand that God will not drag any man to heaven’s glory, kicking and screaming against his will. God simply makes the chosen sinner willing in the day of His power. (Psalms 110:3) But the only two ways to bring or take a dead man with you somewhere, is to drag him or give him life. Thank God, that in Christ, God draws us by the cords of His love, power and grace and gives us spiritual life through a new birth. The saved sinner is made able and willing only because they are made alive unto God. (1 Cor. 15:22)
David Eddmenson
If you buy something, you purchased it. If you earn something, you worked for it. If you deserve something, then you merited it. But when you receive something, it was a free gift. Salvation was not bought, earned or merited. It was a free gift of God in the giving of His beloved Son!
David Eddmenson
If we were asked to picture the most hideous, nasty, foul, repulsive and detestable thing we could conjure up in our minds, I am sure we could come up with some real offensive, horrendous, vile, obnoxious and nauseating things. However, I am certain that none of us would have thought of ourselves.
David Eddmenson
​In Luke chapter 9, our Lord said to one, “Follow me,” but he said, “First allow me to bury my father.” It was then that another said, “Lord, I will follow you, but first let me go and say goodbye to them who are at home.” It is sheep that follow, but it is goats that butt. May God be pleased to enable us to but first follow Him.
David Eddmenson